White Paper

The B2B CMO’s Guide to Reimagining Boardroom Impact: Four Key Drivers of New-Age Marketing Outcomes

B2B C-suite executives are increasingly unclear on how to define and measure the role of the marketing organization—and subsequently, what makes a good CMO.

In a landscape marked by macroeconomic pressures, dwindling resources, and shifting buyer behaviors, many CMOs find themselves swimming upstream. Mere incremental changes fail to capture the attention and support of the rest of the C-suite, and the B2B CMO role is at a pivotal point.

Now is the time to redefine the value marketing brings to your organization.

With this guide, today’s CMOs and marketing leaders can unpack four key drivers that permanently and significantly transform how the Board sees marketing’s contribution—while elevating their role in the boardroom for good.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • Four transformational drivers to drive marketing outcomes that truly matter to the Board
  • Strategies, cheat sheets, and tips on how to reposition marketing as one that drives revenue impact and growth
  • Steps on building a new-age marketing operating model that achieves results on lean or shrinking budgets