2X Now Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Partner

Press Release

2X Now Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Partner

February 15, 2023

Sales and marketing teams often struggle to see eye to eye—and it’s costing B2B companies. In fact, it is estimated that as much as a 10% loss in revenue can be attributed to sales and marketing misalignment. But it looks like we’re one step closer to solving this age-old problem. A study found that companies with aligned sales and marketing departments are 20% more likely to use marketing automation than non-aligned companies.

Even better, when marketing automation is fully integrated with CRM, sales and marketing teams are finally able to get on the same page. According to Demand Gen Report, among the companies that employ both a marketing automation platform and CRM as part of an integrated tech stack, 74% saw aligned sales and marketing teams.

As such, Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (MCAE) (formerly Pardot)—owned by Salesforce, the #1 CRM provider worldwide—has become a popular marketing automation platform option, especially for B2B companies who want to ensure a smoother integration with their existing Salesforce platform.

We’re proud to announce that 2X is now a Salesforce partner for Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (MCAE), providing clients access to the platform’s full suite of functionalities. Our team of certified MCAE experts is not only adept at day-to-day MarTech management but also works tirelessly to integrate data, ensuring B2B companies get a comprehensive view of their customer journeys and target market.

“Having your marketing automation and CRM operate in the same ecosystem makes information syncing more seamless and convenient. However, effective marketing with any MarTech tool still requires a human touch. For example, marketing leads need to be constantly tested and validated to ensure only high-quality leads are passed on to sales.

On top of that, with the explosion of MarTech now in full swing—with many B2B companies increasing their spend on a variety of MarTech tools—there is a need for companies to integrate a host of other MarTech investments too. They need to look comprehensively at data from the different platforms and unify them,” said 2X CEO Domenic Colasante.

“This creates work that companies can’t always support because they don’t have enough talent versed in operating a variety of MarTech tools. This is where 2X’s multi-disciplinary team of MarTech specialists can help.”

2X Talent Integrates Salesforce MCAE with the Rest of Your MarTech Stack

According to the 2022 State of Marketing report by Salesforce, some 6,000 marketing leaders worldwide named the ineffective use of tools and technologies their number one challenge as a marketer. The report further revealed that 31% of B2B marketers say that sharing a unified view of customer data across business units is a challenge. Indeed, according to the 2021 Gartner Cross-Functional Customer Data Survey, just 14% of organizations achieve a 360° view of their customers.

Hence, besides hiring marketers equipped with the technical skills required to fully utilize a company’s MarTech stack, these talents need to be able to make sense of the variety of marketing data available in this era of MarTech explosion and integrate them for a complete view of their customers’ lifecycle. Unfortunately, these highly specialized marketers are hard to come by, especially in the current labor crisis.

2X has spent years developing a team of MarTech managers who possess both the technical knowledge required to successfully operate MCAE—and a host of MarTech tools—and the ability to link the various data sources to create true marketing impact.

Our partnership with MCAE inspires us to further expand our talent pool, helping more B2B companies gain a bird’s-eye view of their prospects and improve their sales outreach efforts. Our AI-powered tools enhance the customer experience by integrating real-time data and providing actionable insights for optimized marketing efforts.

2X Senior Marketing Technology Specialist, Elliot Jong, is an MCAE-certified, Drift-certified, and Salesforce Certified Administrator, and has helped many 2X clients unify their customers’ data across their MarTech stack.

“We cannot view MCAE in isolation. We have to consider our clients’ entire tech stack. For example, if a client is tapping into intent data from a platform like 6sense or leveraging conversation marketing with Drift, all that data captured by these respective platforms needs to be properly synced to MCAE for us to run effective marketing campaigns.

As marketing automation platforms like MCAE often serve as a central repository for an array of data, a deep understanding of MCAE and the rest of a company’s tech stack is crucial for successful data integration. Well-rounded data ultimately requires well-rounded MarTech managers,” Jong added.

Our commitment to integrating Salesforce Marketing Cloud services with our expertise in lead generation services and digital marketing ensures that B2B companies can optimize their customer engagement and drive better customer experiences across multiple channels. Whether it’s through email marketing, social media, or other marketing channels, 2X is dedicated to aligning your market strategy with your sales teams to maximize your return on investment and drive customer journeys that lead to sustained success.

About 2X

A pioneer in the B2B marketing-as-a-service (MaaS) category, 2X enables operating model transformation that drives growth in marketing’s contribution to businesses’ revenue and overall enterprise valuation. With global headquarters in Philadelphia, US, and delivery operations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2X comprises a world-class, diverse team of marketing strategists, developers, analysts, designers, and writers who work together to deliver high-impact account-based marketing and demand-generation programs, data analytics, and marketing technology management.

2X’s unique approach brings scale to B2B marketing for greater revenue impact, execution efficiency, and capacity for innovation. It currently ranks #663 on the Inc. 5000 list and is recognized as a 2021 Diverse and Inclusive Employer by The Startup Weekly. For further information, visit: 2X.Marketing/Career.

About Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is an integrated marketing platform that enables agencies and advertisers to effectively create, manage, and grow high-impact digital marketing campaigns. Salesforce Marketing Cloud integrates world-class solutions to help buyers run holistic campaigns across multiple channels and improve customer experience.