2X Named 6sense Partner; Fills B2B MarTech Talent Gap

Press Release

2X Named 6sense Partner; Fills B2B MarTech Talent Gap

October 21, 2022

Traditional B2B marketing strategies relying on email opens, website form fills, and downloads to gauge buyer intent are overdue for an upgrade. With only 3% of website visitors filling out forms, B2B companies miss a significant number of opportunities.

The 6sense Revenue AI™ platform addresses this issue by providing invaluable insights into the dark funnel—hidden intent data that has eluded many marketers. This data includes information on competitor websites visited by potential customers, articles read, and interactions with social media posts or product reviews—without any form fills in sight.

“In the red ocean of MarTech, we believe 6sense is the most impactful marketing tool that a B2B marketer can deploy to drive higher sales team and marketing team performance,” said 2X CEO Domenic Colasante.

To that end, 2X is proud to announce its status as a 6sense Tier 1 Service Partner—the highest level of partnership. This status ensures 2X clients unparalleled access to the platform’s full suite of capabilities and a pool of 2X marketing technologists certified by 6sense.

“Services partners are a key component of the 6sense Revenue AI Ecosystem,” said Elliot Smith, Head of Partnerships at 6sense. “Revenue teams often struggle to build internal teams due to evolving business needs and talent shortages in a complex tech environment. They are often looking to companies like 2X to augment their capabilities and remain competitive.

2X has committed to the success of 6sense customers, working with us to pioneer 6sense partner certification and now has a team of proven experts to help customers maximize results and achieve a high return on investment (ROI). We are thrilled to recognize 2X as a top-tier services partner in the 6sense Revenue AI Ecosystem.”

Addressing the MarTech Talent Shortage

6sense provides unprecedented visibility into the customer journey and has the potential to completely transform the impact of digital marketing. However, leveraging the full functionality of any marketing technology solutions requires a skilled talent pool—and the supply isn’t catching up fast enough with the rising demand.

A recent study conducted by 2X in collaboration with 6sense found that only 2.5 qualified professionals adept in new-age marketing skills are available for every one job opening on LinkedIn. In contrast, mature marketing skills like demand generation and email marketing have seven qualified professionals for every one job opening. This talent shortage is where many marketing leaders struggle, driving 2X’s decision to partner with 6sense. The belief that intent data is a fundamental pillar of modern marketing motivated this strategic move.

2X already boasts a robust team of 6sense-certified marketing technologists and is working to expand its talent pool to include hundreds of experts in the future. These experts possess not only a deep understanding of 6sense but also extensive experience achieving real-world client objectives.

They excel in creating personalized account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns, selecting the right marketing channels, and optimizing the sales funnel to enhance lead generation and customer experience. Whether leveraging display ads or social media platforms, 2X’s team is adept at deploying comprehensive ABM strategies that drive engagement and conversions.

MarTech Solutions and a MarTech stack that integrates seamlessly with the 6sense platform provide additional benefits. Our marketing technology stack helps in analyzing Google Analytics data to tailor search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, ensuring our targeted audience receives the most relevant content. This holistic approach enhances overall campaign effectiveness and maximizes ROI.

Digital Campaign Specialist Wan Azizan, one of the first at 2X to earn a 6sense certification, states, “As B2B intent data is constantly changing, a highly skilled 6sense marketing technologist is crucial to convert that data into actionable insights. We optimize ABM campaigns and leverage Google Analytics to refine strategies and improve conversion rates across various marketing channels.”

About 6sense

6sense changes the way organizations create, manage, and convert pipeline to revenue. The 6sense B2B platform captures anonymous buying signals, predicts the right accounts to target at the ideal time, and recommends the best channels and messages to boost revenue performance. By removing guesswork, friction, and wasted sales effort, 6sense empowers sales reps, marketing teams, and customer support teams to significantly improve pipeline quality, accelerate sales velocity, and grow revenue predictably.

Forbes Cloud 100, G2, TrustRadius, and Gartner have recognized 6sense for its market-defining technology, while Glassdoor, Inc. Magazine, and Comparably have praised 6sense for its strong culture. Learn more at 6sense.